



After 4.5 years of redesigning the value and supply chain of water and minerals, the ZERO BRINE project has come to an end having successfully demonstrated the recovery of valuable resources from industrial brines. The legacy of the project remains, having generated numerous follow-up projects that will continue working in the fields of circular economy. ZERO BRINE’s findings and results have contributed to furthering a greener and cleaner means of production through policy, industry, and research. Read on to discover our final outputs!
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Final Forum activities were held within Amsterdam International Water Week, with an expert panel on 2 November and final conference on 4 November 2021. Presentations from both events are available online. During the conference closing, Advisory Board Chairman Michiel van Haersma Buma presented a white paper highlighting the contributions of the project and outlined further actions for maintaining momentum towards a circular economy. 






Learn the technology behind the ZERO BRINE pilots and the impacts that can be achieved! Click on the preview image to watch, or visit our pilot media kits!


ZERO BRINE has developed a software tool to help brine owners analyse treatment chains. The Remote Component Environment (RCE), developed by DLR and is freely available and can be accessed by brine owners to simulate their case studies and to evaluate the techno-economic feasibility of treatment chains in different process industries. The tools, developed in Python and Matlab, cover technologies including nanofiltration, crystallisation, and many more.

Core Policy Brief

Industrial Emissions Policy Brief

Final updates to the ZERO BRINE policy briefs have been made following the conclusion of the pilot results. All four ZERO BRINE policy briefs including those on the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and Zero Pollution Policy Brief are available online.

Latest Deliverables

Recent Publications

Check our website for the latest conference proceedings, peer-reviewed articles, and other ZERO BRINE publications.

Trainings, workshops and more!

The final year of its activities, ZERO BRINE organised several different training sessions for industry and public authororities on moving towards a circular economy and furthering industrial symbiosis. All event presentations, video recaps are available on our website.

Your match awaits…

Is your company a brine producer, mineral user or technology provider?
Register to the Online Brine Platform and join the 2600+ companies seeking circular business opportunities! Watch our video below to learn how you can register.


ZERO BRINE partner UNIPA awarded  “Best Poster” at the 2021 Euromemembrane conference in Copenhagen on “Modelling of an innovative membrane crystallizer for the production of Magnesium Hydroxide from waste brine.” The poster is based on the development of a simulation tool for the CrIEM reactor (Crystallizer with Ion Exchange Membrane) for the production of Magnesium Hydroxide from waste brines. Results of its validation in different operating conditions were shown.

Follow-up projects

The WATER-MINING project focuses on mining water and resources from desalination brines, urban and  industrial wastewater streams.
The SEA4VALUE project focuses on developing and upscaling technologies to sustainably mine raw materials from brines.
The SEArcularMINE project will prototype an innovative integrated process aimed at recovering energy and critical raw materials from waste brines in Mediterranean basin saltworks.
The BRINE-MINING project focuses on improving saline wastewater management performance of coal mining activities by recovering useful and marketable materials as water and salts.

From all of us at ZERO BRINE, thank you!

Coordinated by TU DELFT, the innovation project ZERO BRINE advances circular economy business model solutions to reduce industrial saline wastewater streams by recovering and reusing the minerals and water from the brine in other industries. ZERO BRINE is funded by the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Program and includes 20 partners from research institutes, SMEs, construction companies, and end-users from 10 countries across Europe.
Scientific Coordinator L.C. Rietveld
Delft University of Technology
Building 23, Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft
T.   +31 15 27 84732
Executive Project Coordinator
ir. J.R. Moll
Delft University of Technology
Building 23, Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft
T.   +31 15 27 82969
Innovation Manager
Dr. Dimitris Xevgenos
Sealeau B.V.
High Tech Campus 1e
5656AE Eindhoven
T.   +31 6 38 45 15 79
Media Contact
Danielle Kutka
Project Manager
Rue d’Arlon 63-67
1040 Brussels
T.   +32 2 318 39 84
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The ZERO BRINE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research  and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 730390.
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Autumn 2021 | ZERO BRINE Approaches Its Conclusion

Autumn 2021 | ZERO BRINE Approaches Its Conclusion 900 506 ZERO BRINE

Newsletter #6  |  AUTUMN 2021


ZERO BRINE’s final year has been an exciting period for the project, with all four pilot plants having successfully concluded.

As the results come to the forefront, now is the time to share the work that has been accomplished on the success of the ZERO BRINE technology, the research that has happened, and the impacts that our work has had.

Discover the latest project updates and be sure to join us at our last events including our Final Forum!

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ZERO BRINE’s Final Forum will be held as part of Amsterdam International Water Week.

ZERO BRINE will host an expert panel at AIWW on 2 November 2021. This digital event will be in addition to the full-day Final Forum being held in Delft on 4 November 2021.

Both events will be available via Livestream, with the possibility of in-person attendance (subject to further COVID-19 developments).



On 22 September and 29 September, two interactive workshops lead by circular economy experts will discuss how to accelerate social acceptance for circularity, drawing from ZERO BRINE. The workshop will focus on key drivers of social acceptance including technological infrastructure, sustainability impact, and supporting business models. General challenges in communicating circular solutions, and their impact on the three key drivers of social acceptance will also be discussed.






The project’s final pilot plant in Turkey has successfully closed operations, marking the conclusion of the ZERO BRINE pilot sites. Read our latest report on the optimisation of the pilot here >>.


EU Green Week

ZERO BRINE hosted two events as part of EU Green Week 2021. The press briefing was attended by journalists from across Europe, with presentations from Panagiotis Balabanis (DG RTD), Dr Dimitris Xevgenos (SEALEAU) and Dr Selda Murat (TUBITAK). 

> Watch press briefing

The Silesian University of Technology also hosted a training session as part of EU Green Week on how we can reduce the environmental impacts of industrial saline wastewater.

> Watch online training



In addition to the training held in Poland, the project has held online training sessions in Italy, Spain and Turkey. Training sessions have now taken place in five different languages across as many countries.

Turkish Trainings

TUBITAK presented two trainings for public authorities and for companies, focusing on how salt and water recovery can contribute to sustainable production.

> View the presentations
> Training for companies
> Training for public authorities

Spanish Training

In June EURECAT, FACSA and IQE organised a training on the emerging market of resource recovery. They explain reclaimed minerals are can help industries that want to reduce their costs and work more sustainably.

> View presentations
> Watch training

Italian Training

The team from UNIPA presented practical insights into the technology behind the successful pilot plant at Evides water plant in Rotterdam, while bring together brine users and brine producers to show the added value of recovered minerals from wastewater.

> View presentations
> Watch the training


Industrial Emissions Directive Policy Brief

Urban Wastewater Treatment Policy Brief

We have released two policy briefs on the Industrial Emissions Directive and the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive. These policy briefs outline the added value of the ZERO BRINE project, while also giving key policy recommendations. These policy briefs come in addition to our Core Policy Brief and Zero Pollution Policy Brief.

Polish Pilot Plant: Technology Video

The project has developed a detailed guide to the technology used at our Polish pilot plant, and how this can be used to recover valuable resources from coal mine wastewater.

> Watch the video

Turkish Pilot Plant: Digital Journey

Due to COVID-19 the project was unable to host an in-person visit to our pilot plant in Turkey. Instead, we created a digital journey through the plant.

> Take the digital journey

Latest Deliverables

Recent Publications

Visit the latest conference proceedings, peer-reviewed articles, and other ZERO BRINE publications on CORDIS.

Your match awaits…

Is your company a brine producer, mineral user or technology provider?
Register to the Online Brine Platform and join the 2600+ companies seeking circular business opportunities! Watch our video below to learn how you can register.

Brine Excellence Centres

The 5 BECs (NL, ES, PL, IT, GR) host analytical/measuring instruments, bench-scale technologies, and industrial pilot scale technologies for brine owners to test technically and economically feasible brine solutions. Learn more>>

Media Partners

Proud Member of

Coordinated by TU DELFT, the innovation project ZERO BRINE advances circular economy business model solutions to reduce industrial saline wastewater streams by recovering and reusing the minerals and water from the brine in other industries. ZERO BRINE is funded by the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Program and includes 20 partners from research institutes, SMEs, construction companies, and end-users from 10 countries across Europe.

Scientific Coordinator L.C. Rietveld
Delft University of Technology
Building 23, Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft
T.   +31 15 27 84732

Executive Project Coordinator
ir. J.R. Moll
Delft University of Technology
Building 23, Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft
T.   +31 15 27 82969

Innovation Manager
Dr. Dimitris Xevgenos
Sealeau B.V.
High Tech Campus 1e
5656AE Eindhoven
T.   +31 6 38 45 15 79

Media Contact
Danielle Kutka
Project Manager
Rue d’Arlon 63-67
1040 Brussels
T.   +32 2 318 39 84

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The ZERO BRINE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research  and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 730390.

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Winter 2020 | ZERO BRINE Heads Into Final Year

Winter 2020 | ZERO BRINE Heads Into Final Year 560 420 ZERO BRINE
Newsletter #5  |  WINTER 2020


Now into its fourth year, the ZERO BRINE project results are well underway. With two of the pilot demonstrations having concluded- the coal mine pilot in Poland and the silica pilot in Spain – project results are coming to the forefront showing success at recovering minerals and water from industry brines.

Discover the progress being made, highlights of our activities, new videos, publications, and more!
Follow @ZeroBrine


Demi Water Pilot (Site I), NL

Site I of the demi water pilot finished operations in February. The IEX brine from Evides was treated by a technology train of NF (TRL 9), MFPFR (TRL 7->8) and MED (TRL7->8). Re-gaining of high purity MgOH2, CaSO4, NaCl and water has been demonstrated at a brine feed level of 1 m3/hr. The demonstration has been concluded and the analysis and reporting of the results are in progress. For more info see our Work Package 2 reports >>

Demi Water Pilot (Site II), NL

Site II started up in August 2020, treating RO-brines from Evides. Here a technology train has been installed including NF (TRL 9), RO (TRL 9), Nyex (TRL 8->9), EFC (TRL 6->8) and a waste-heat fed MED (TRL 7->8). Site II operations are ongoing and compliant with current COVID-19 measures.

Coal Mine Pilot, PL

The coal mine pilot finished operations in April 2020 and demonstrated the following technologies: Pretreatment / Ultrafiltration / Decarbonisation (TRL9), an integrated two-pass nanofiltration/reverse osmosis/electrodialysis system (TRL4->TRL6), Magnesium recovery by CrIEM (TRL4), Magnesium recovery by precipitation (TRL4) and salt recovery by EFC (TRL3->TRL4). For more info see D3.5 Report on the operation and optimization of the pilot system for the treatment of coal mine water >>

Silica Pilot, ES

At the silica pilot, regenerated NF membranes were tested successfully (TRL8->9) in sequence with the EFC (TRL 6->8). The results of the pilot open perspectives for a substantial reduction of wastewater, allowing for further growth of the plant within the existing permits. For more info see our Work Package 4 reports >>  and IQE’s video presentation of the pilot >>

Textile Pilot, TR

The textile pilot in Turkey’s detailed design has been finalised. The pilot system was constructed on Zorlu Textile premises and is now operational. For more info see Tubitak’s presentation of the pilot created for our advisory board >>



Policy brief

ZERO BRINE has released a first version of its core policy brief – subsequent policy briefs will be published on the Industrial Emissions Directive, and water with a focus on Zero-Pollution strategy and Circular Economy Action plan – so stay tuned!

Latest Reports


Visit the latest conference proceedings, peer-reviewed articles, and other ZERO BRINE publications on CORDIS.

Your match awaits…

Is your company a brine producer, mineral user or technology provider?
Register to the Online Brine Platform and join the 2300+ companies seeking circular business opportunities! Watch our video below to learn how you can register.

Industrial Symbiosis Trainings

ISPT organised two online trainings for industrial cluster authorities and companies to teach the concepts of circular economy and how the Online Brine Platform can enable circular business opportunities.
View presentations >> 
Watch our training video for Industrial Cluster Authorities >>
Watch our training video for Companies >> 

Brine Excellence Centres

The 5 BECs (NL, ES, PL, IT, GR) host analytical/measuring instruments, bench-scale technologies, and industrial pilot scale technologies for brine owners to test technically and economically feasible brine solutions. Learn more>>


In the Spotlight

In April, ZERO BRINE was selected as a finalist for the IWA Project Innovation Awards for the category Market-changing Water Technology and Infrastructure. The winner will be announced during the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition in Copenhagen in May 2021.

Project Buzz

In the past year, ZERO BRINE has been featured in over seventy press articles – both print and digital – in seven languages including English, Dutch, French, Turkish, Polish, Korean, and Spanish. All articles available online >>

Water Europe’s Latest Position Paper

Water Europe’s new position paper titled ‘For a Green, Circular & Smart Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive’ presents a list of recommendations that can pave the way to achieving a Water-Smart Society.
The key recommendations include:
  • A holistic management of wastewater treatment plants must be considered for water and energy savings, particularly through the exploitation of the Value in Water.
  • Specific measures are needed to address contaminants of emerging concern and antimicrobial resistance.
  • Digitisation needs to be encouraged to a much higher extent.
  • A better legal framework should be incorporated for better storm and small agglomeration water management.
  • A water-friendly legislation needs to be built by and for European citizens.

Upcoming Events

EU Project News

Several ZERO BRINE partners are involved in a new project WATER-MINING, focusing on mining water & resources from desalination brines, urban & industrial wastewater streams. The project started in September.
A second spin-off project SEA4VALUE focuses on developing and upscaling technologies to sustainably mine raw materials from brines. The project started in June.
A third spin-off project, SEArcularMINE, will prototype an innovative integrated process aimed at recovering energy and critical raw materials from waste brines in Mediterranean basin saltworks. The project started in June.
A fourth spin-off project, BRINE-MINING, focuses on the improvement of the saline wastewater management performance of coal mining activities by recovering useful and marketable materials as water and salts. The project started in September.

Media Partners

Proud Member of

Coordinated by TU DELFT, the innovation project ZERO BRINE advances circular economy business model solutions to reduce industrial saline wastewater streams by recovering and reusing the minerals and water from the brine in other industries. ZERO BRINE is funded by the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Program and includes 20 partners from research institutes, SMEs, construction companies, and end-users from 10 countries across Europe.
Scientific Coordinator L.C. Rietveld
Delft University of Technology
Building 23, Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft
T.   +31 15 27 84732
Executive Project Coordinator
ir. J.R. Moll
Delft University of Technology
Building 23, Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft
T.   +31 15 27 82969
Innovation Manager
Dr. Dimitris Xevgenos
Sealeau B.V.
High Tech Campus 1e
5656AE Eindhoven
T.   +31 6 38 45 15 79
Media Contact
Danielle Kutka
Project Manager
Rue d’Arlon 63-67
1040 Brussels
T.   +32 2 318 39 84
The ZERO BRINE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research  and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 730390.

Spring 2020 | Pilot Projects In Action

Spring 2020 | Pilot Projects In Action 1200 900 ZERO BRINE
Newsletter #4  |  SPRING 2020


Water use has increased sixfold over the past century and is rising by nearly 1% every year, according to UN-Water. Released in March, the UN World Water Development Report 2020 highlights the key role water management plays in climate change mitigation efforts. Withdrawing nearly 20% of freshwater resources, industry is no exception; data shows opportunities to reduce overall industry water consumption by up to 50%.

ZERO BRINE is proud to contribute to these efforts, advancing industrial circularity by redesigning the value and supply chain of water and minerals. Discover the latest updates on our work package activities, pilot results and event participation in this spring newsletter.
Follow @ZeroBrine

Pilot Plant Updates

Demi Water Pilot 

Site 1 of the demi water pilot finished operations in February. All data and results are being analysed. Site II preparations are ongoing and compliant with current COVID-19 measures.

Silica Pilot 

The silica pilot in Spain finished at the end of 2019 with 75% water recovery suitable for on-site reuse. While the technology is economically feasible and implementable at industrial scale, final technical and economic viability will be determined from the crystallization results which are being analysed.

Coal Mine Pilot 

The coal mine pilot in Poland finished operations in April. Analysis of the data are underway; further conclusions will be provided in upcoming draft of report D3.5.

Textile Pilot 

The textile pilot in Turkey’s detailed design has been finalised. The pilot system was constructed on Zorlu Textile premises and connections were made. Tests for the start-up of the pilot system have commenced. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, progress has slowed down.


Textile Pilot Field Visit

The final project field visit to the textile pilot in Turkey is tentatively scheduled for October 2020, pending developments of COVID-19. Interested in joining? Contact

ZERO BRINE in Action

second environmental survey took place in January near EVIDES  in Rotterdam Harbor. Five sites were sampled for sediment and three for water. The water samples are being analysed for basic physicochemical parameters. Two more missions will take place. The third mission in April was cancelled due to COVID-19 and rescheduled for July.

Your match awaits…

Is your company a brine producer, mineral user or technology provider?
Register to the Online Brine Platform and join the 50+ companies seeking circular business opportunities!

In the Spotlight

In February, ZERO BRINE was a finalist for the Water Innovator of the Year 2020 award. A short promo video was filmed, which is available here.

In the Press

ZERO BRINE’s pilots, award nomination and participation to the EIP Water Innovation Conference have been featured in a variety of media outlets around Europe and beyond. See the latest coverage on our In the Press section.


See us at these upcoming events!*
Desalination for the Environment: Clean Water and Energy
| 7-11 June 2020, Las Palmas
Water in Industry | 24-28 August, Nanjing
Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES)SDEWES Conference | Cologne
IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition | 19-23 October, Copenhagen

Industrial Water 2020 | 17-19 November, Frankfurt
*Please note due to COVID-19 some events may be cancelled or rescheduled. Check the event website for the latest information.

Industry News

Several ZERO BRINE partners are involved in a new project BRINE MINING, demonstrating an advanced technique for eliminating coal mine wastewater (brines) combined with resource recovery.

Media Partners:

Proud Member of:

Coordinated by TU DELFT, the innovation project ZERO BRINE advances circular economy business model solutions to reduce industrial saline wastewater streams by recovering and reusing the minerals and water from the brine in other industries. ZERO BRINE is funded by the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Program and includes 20 partners from research institutes, SMEs, construction companies, and end-users from 10 countries across Europe.
Scientific Coordinator L.C. Rietveld
Delft University of Technology
Building 23, Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft
T.   +31 15 27 84732
Executive Project Coordinator
ir. J.R. Moll
Delft University of Technology
Building 23, Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft
T.   +31 15 27 82969
Innovation Manager
Dr. Dimitris Xevgenos
Sealeau B.V.
High Tech Campus 1e
5656AE Eindhoven
T.   +31 6 38 45 15 79
Media Contact
Danielle Kutka
Project Manager
Rue d’Arlon 63-67
1040 Brussels
T.   +32 2 318 39 84
The ZERO BRINE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research  and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 730390.

Autumn 2019 | Field Visits Underway!

Autumn 2019 | Field Visits Underway! 1920 1440 ZERO BRINE
Newsletter #3  |  AUTUMN 2019


Many important developments have taken place in the past six months for ZERO BRINE. In May, ZERO BRINE held its first field visit to the demineralised water plant, followed by a visit to the the coal mine pilot in early October. The Online Brine Platform continues to grow in numbers, with its news making waves in various international press outlets and resources. The project has also been presented at numerous conferences throughout Europe to industry, end-users, policy-makers, and academia.

Learn more in this newsletter and visit our website stay-up-to date about our work.
Follow @ZeroBrine

Pilot Plant Updates

Demi Water Pilot Plant

The ZERO BRINE demi water pilot in the Netherlands is set to begin full scale trials this month. The preliminary techno-economic evaluation of the pilot has found that although full-scale operation to meet the specified targets requires high capital investment, a return on initial investment would take around 10 years due to savings on environmental costs and internal and external valorization of end-products.

Silica Pilot Plant

The ZERO BRINE silica pilot in Spain, after a year of testing, shows 75% water recovery suitable for reuse in the silica production process. Using regenerated membranes allows higher water recovery and reduces energy compared to commercial RO membranes. A preliminary cost analysis shows the technology is economically feasible and implementable at industrial scale. Final technical and economic viability will be determined after results from crystallization stage.

Coal Mine Pilot Plant

The ZERO BRINE coal mine pilot in Poland is well underway, with preliminary results even more promising than expected in terms of energy savings. The impact of recovering salt and other valuable resources is a possible solution to the environmental problems of brine releases which have increased the salinity of Polish rivers, causing economic losses of $100-250 million annually.

Textile Pilot Plant

The ZERO BRINE textile pilot in Turkey is due to be completed by the end of 2019, for the recovery of salt from the concentrated stream originating from the reverse osmosis unit of the Zorlu Textile factory. The pilot will have a capacity of 2-4 m3/day, consisting of pre-treatment (oxidation and nanofiltration), concentration processes (reverse osmosis) and ion exchange system (cationic). The recovered salt stream will be reused in the dyeing process within the textile plant.

Your match awaits…

Is your company a brine producer, mineral user or technology provider?
Are you interested in brine stream valorization?
Register to the Online Brine Platform and join the 50+ companies seeking circular business opportunities!

ZERO BRINE Means Business

A series of matchmaking workshops kicked-off in July to take place at industrial clusters in the Netherlands to facilitate re-use and brine stream valorization, matching brine producers with users of regenerated minerals. Past locations include Terneuzen and Delfzijl, with upcoming locations to include a Brightlands Edition, Rotterdam Edition, and an Amsterdam Edition at Amsterdam International Water Week. For all upcoming dates, visit our event page.

ZERO BRINE Field Visits

Two field visits to the pilot demonstrations were held, to the industrial Botlek area in the Netherlands to see the demineralized water pilot and the Bolesław Śmiały coal mine in Poland. For all resources including factsheets and photos, see our Media Kits. A field visit to the textile pilot in Turkey will be organized in 2020. 

ZERO BRINE in Action

The first mission for water and sediment sampling, organized through WP9, took place on 16-18 September 2019. A small tender of the Port of Rotterdam was used for the sampling of water and sediment around the brine impacted area. More photos available here.


See us at these upcoming events!
Water Knowledge Europe I 30-31 October 2019, Brussels
ZERO BRINE Matchmaking Workshop at AIWW I 5 November 2019, Amsterdam
Aquatech Amsterdam I 5-8 November 2019, Amsterdam
European Water Innovation Conference I 11-13 December 2019, Zaragoza
ZERO BRINE Workshop at EUWIC I 11 December 2019, Zaragoza
World Future Energy Summit – Water Expo I 13-16 January 2020, Abu Dhabi

In the Press

ZERO BRINE’s Online Brine Platform, matchmaking workshops, pilot plants, and organized field visits have been covered in a variety of digital and print media around Europe and beyond. Visit our In the Press section to stay up-to-date on the latest coverage.

Technology Highlight – What is ‘CrIEM’?

UNIPA’s patented, novel Crystallizer with Ion Exchange Membrane (CrIEM) is behind the recovery of magnesium from brines, including coalmine wastewater. The technology allows crystallisation reactions avoiding the direct contact between reacting solutions, thanks to an ion exchange membrane separating them. The selective membrane induces the passage of the sole reactant (OH-) to the brine stream, rejecting all the other species present in the reactant solution. The main advantage is the possibility to use cheap and low purity reagents without affecting the final quality of the desired product, which can achieve, in the case of magnesium hydroxide production, purities above 98%. 

Project Media Partners:

Proud Member of:

Coordinated by TU DELFT, the innovation project ZERO BRINE advances circular economy business model solutions to reduce industrial saline wastewater streams by recovering and reusing the minerals and water from the brine in other industries. ZERO BRINE is funded by the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Program and includes 20 partners from research institutes, SMEs, construction companies, and end-users from 10 countries across Europe.
Scientific Coordinator L.C. Rietveld
Delft University of Technology
Building 23, Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft
T.   +31 15 27 84732
Executive Project Coordinator
ir. J.R. Moll
Delft University of Technology
Building 23, Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft
T.   +31 15 27 82969
Innovation Manager
Dr. Dimitris Xevgenos
Sealeau B.V.
High Tech Campus 1e
5656AE Eindhoven
T.   +31 6 38 45 15 79