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Online Workshop: Recovering Resources from Industrial Wastewater

Online Workshop: Recovering Resources from Industrial Wastewater 1600 900 ZERO BRINE
Expert Panel at AIWW (Digital)

 2 November 2021 – 14:00-15:00 CET

Learn the latest technological innovations in industrial wastewater circularity as our panellists discuss projects at the forefront of recovering valuable resources from industry brines. Will ‘mining’ resources from industrial brine be key for Europe’s economic competitiveness? Join us to gain a new perspective of how opportunities in brine management could also be a contender for building climate resilience more globally.

In the framework of


Roelof Moll

Executive Coordinator of the ZERO BRINE project, and Manager of the Hydraulic Structures & Flood Risk section at TU Delft (The Netherlands).

Chrysi Laspidou

Professor at the Civil Engineering Department, University of Thessaly (Greece) and Vice-President of Research and Technology, Water Europe (Belgium).

Dimitris Xevgenos

Executive Coordinator of the WATER-MINING project and Innovative Manager of the ZERO BRINE project, both of which are funded by Horizon 2020.

Noura Chehab

Water Research and Innovation Manager for the Water sector at NEOM (Saudi Arabia) where she is responsible for global business development.

Stuart Reigeluth

Founder of REVOLVE


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    Creating Acceptance for Circularity

    Creating Acceptance for Circularity 1600 900 ZERO BRINE

    Online Workshops

     29 September
    3:00 to 4:30 PM CET

    Transitioning towards a circular economy is a priority for our society, but also a complex that requires the alignment of many different voices, interests and priorities to drive society down the path towards circularity and for it to be fully embraced.

    This interactive workshop will focus on three key drivers of social acceptance for circular economy initiatives, namely the technological infrastructure leading to circularity, its sustainability impact, and the supporting business model.

    Experts in these three drivers will lead a discussion on how to accelerate social acceptance for circularity based on the results of ZERO BRINE, an EU innovation action project aimed at improving the circularity of industrial production through the recovery of resources from industrial wastewater.

    In addition to our experience with ZERO BRINE, we will also discuss the more general challenges in communicating circular solutions, and their impact on the three key drivers of social acceptance. Other aspects including the diversity of people involved will also be discussed. The experiences of participants will be key in facilitating the discussion and to help develop guidelines for fostering the social acceptance of circularity.


    Kees Roest

    Sr. Scientific Researcher (Energy & Circular Systems) KWR Water Research Institute & Programme Director, Industrial Fluids Processing, Institute for Sustainable Process Technology

    Dr. Gijsbert Korevaar

    Assistant Professor Industrial Symbiosis, faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management at TU Delft

    Dr. Giulia Calabretta

    Associate Professor of Strategic Value of Design, Delft University of Technology

    Prof. Patricia Osseweijer

    Coordinator Water Mining, Biotechnology and Society Section Lead, TU Delft, and ZERO BRINE Advisory Board Member


    15:00 Welcome by Kees Roest (moderator)
    15:10 Introduction to the structure of the ZERO BRINE project – Gijsbert Korevaar
    15:20 Videos of the ZERO BRINE pilot plants in Poland and Spain
    15:30 Social acceptance discussion between participants and researchers from the consortium led by Patricia Osseweijer

    • A business model perspective, by Giulia Calabretta
    • Inputs from integrated sustainability assessment, by Gijsbert Korevaar
    16:25 Wrap up, closing words by Kees Roest

    Final Forum 2021

    Final Forum 2021 1600 900 ZERO BRINE
    Final Forum

     4 November 2021 – 10:00-16:30 CET
    De Oude Bibliotheek, Delft

    Circular Economy Solutions for Industrial Wastewater

    ZERO BRINE Final Forum
    In the framework of
    Key ZERO BRINE Results – Morning Session
    10:00 Opening and welcome
    10:10 Presentation of ZERO BRINE
    10:30 ZERO BRINE Pilot Plants: Spain, Poland, The Netherlands and Turkey
    11:00 Demonstration of Brine Excellence Centres: Technologies and Simulation suites
    11:15 Demonstration of the Open Brine Platform
    11:30 Coffee Break
    ZERO BRINE Research – Afternoon Session
    11:45 ZERO BRINE Special Issue – Part I
    12:45 Lunch Break
    13:45 ZERO BRINE Special Issue – Part II
    14:45 Coffee Break
    Impact of ZERO BRINE – Closing Session
    15:00 Business cases and Circular Economy – Interactive Session
    15:30 ZERO BRINE and EU Policy Panel Discussion
    16:00 Stakeholder Perspectives and Follow-up projects
    16:30 Closure
    Cocktails + Conference Dinner

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       22 luglio 2021 – 10:00 AM CET
      Evento online

      Come partner del progetto europeo ZERO BRINE, l’Università degli Studi di Palermo organizza un training online sul recupero di prodotti ad alto valore aggiunto da soluzioni esauste provenienti dagli impianti di addolcimento dell’acqua. Il processo innovativo proposto, basato sul concetto di economia circolare, permette di ridurre l’impatto ambientale e di incrementare la possibilità di profitto.

      Le soluzioni di scarto sono ancora ricche di minerali che possono essere recuperati

      Durante il workshop verranno presentati i risultati ottenuti dal funzionamento di un impianto pilota, installato con successo a Rotterdam (Olanda), con lo scopo di recuperare Mg(OH)2 e Ca(OH)2 da soluzioni esauste provenienti dal processo di rigenerazione delle resine a scambio ionico prodotte presso Evides Industriewater B.V.

      Lo scopo è quello di fare incontrare produttori di salamoie e industrie interessate a trovare nuove risorse di minerali, come ad esempio il magnesio, insieme a technology providers e policy-makers.


      10:00 – 10:30 Saluti e introduzione al progetto ZERO BRINE
      10:30 – 11:00 Presentazione del caso studio e dei risultati ottenuti
      11:00 – 11:15 Virtual tour nel Brine Excellence Center a UNIPA
      11:15 – 12:00 Online Brine Platform
      12:00 – 12:15 Conclusioni



       22 July 2021 – 10:00 AM CET
      Online Event – Livestream

      As part of the ZERO BRINE project, the University of Palermo is hosting an online training focusing on the recovery of valuable products from spent brines produced in water softening plants. Such a process, utilising the concept of the circular economy, enables the reduction of negative environmental impacts while also increasing economic potential.

      Waste brines are rich with recoverable minerals

      During the workshop we will present results obtained from the successful installation of a pilot-plant to recover Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2 from the spent brine produced by the regeneration of ionic exchange resins at Evides Industriewater B.V., in Rotterdam (The Netherlands). The aim is to bring together brine owners and industries interested in finding new sources of minerals such as magnesium, together with technology providers and policy-makers.

      *Please note that this event will be held in Italian


      10:00 – 10:30 Welcome and introduction to the ZERO BRINE project
      10:30 – 11:00 Presentation of water industry case study and results
      11:00 – 11:15 Virtual tour of the Brine Excellence Centre at UNIPA
      11:15 – 12:00 Presentation of the Online Brine Platform
      12:00 – 12:15 Closing remarks