The Demineralized Water Plant (DWP) in the Botlek area owned by EVIDES is a large-scale demonstration of the ZERO BRINE project using the technology ion exchange and membrane technology. The DWP consists of a combination of ion exchange and membrane technology: Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF), Reverse Osmosis, Mixed Bed Ion Exchange. For both brine streams that are generated in this process, a circular economy solution will be developed in this WP.
The aim is to demonstrate the Nanofiltration – Evaporation concept for the treatment of ion exchange (IX) regenerate and RO concentrate at large industry scale as well as to demonstrate the Anionic Ion Exchange (IX) – Nanofiltration (NF) – Evaporation – Eutectic Freeze Crystallization (EFC) concept at demonstration scale. Part of the energy for the brine treatment comes from waste heat. Waste heat and wastewater streams will be combined in a multi-company site environment eliminating brine effluent (target: zero liquid discharge) of the industrial water supplier, recovering high purity magnesium products (target: magnesium purity >90%), NaCl solution and sulphate salts and recycling streams within the site (target: >70% internal recycling of materials recovered).

Press release
Demin Water Pilot Advances Industrial Circularity & Critical Raw Material Recovery
Brussels/Rotterdam, 28 May 2019 — At the Demineralized Water Plant (DWP) of Evides in the Botlek industrial area of Rotterdam port, ZERO BRINE is demonstrating the innovative circular …
Kickstarting industrial circularity in the Port of Rotterdam
ROTTERDAM, 19 November 2019 — In one of the largest petrochemical clusters in Europe, ZERO BRINE is launching the first pilot of its innovative technologies to recover all resources from brine (high-salinity impaired water) in Rotterdam Port.
ZERO BRINE’s Site II pilot launches in Rotterdam Port
ROTTERDAM, 21 AUGUST 2020 — At the Port of Rotterdam, one of the largest petrochemical clusters in Europe, the ZERO BRINE project has launched its second site as part of the demonstration of industrial …
Demineralized Water Plant (DWP) of Evides in Botlek, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Demin Water Pilot Factsheet
Rotterdam Harbour DWP
EVIDES Case Study
Pilot Demineralized Water Plant