In the framework of the ZERO BRINE project, DLR is providing pioneer work for the development of the circular economy into the waste water sector. The concept of circular economy represents a change of paradigm in comparison to current supply systems, which base on linear economy. According to this idea waste water streams are no longer considered as the end, but rather as a new start of the water supply chain as well as a source of valuable components such as salts and minerals.
DLR Stuttgart, German Aerospace Center,
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart
+49 711 6862-0
Dr. Ing. Massimo Moser
Massimo studied Environmental and Civil engineering with emphasis on renewable energy sources. He is research associate and project manager at the division System Analysis and Technology Assessment, DLR Stuttgart, and his work focuses on the modelling of multi-purpose renewable power plants for the combined production of water (desalination) and electricity.