FACSA is the Spanish private company with significant experience in the management of the integral water cycle. Belonging to the Gimeno Group, it was founded in Castellón in 1873 with a first objective: to provide modern distribution network for drinking water. Since then, it has diversified its activities and consolidated its presence in several autonomous communities, becoming a benchmark company in the water sector. The company offers all the services of the integral water cycle, from its collection, purification and treatment to its distribution and subsequent collection and purification of wastewater. All stages of the cycle are rigorously controlled to limit the impact on the environment and ensure excellence and quality.
C/ Mayor nº 82-84, 12001 – Castellón, Spain
tel: 964 221 008 fax: 964 226 449

Mónica Mingarro
Mónica has a PhD in Biology with more than 10 years in the water field, working in the R&D department in FACSA developing projects related to the integrated water cycle.

Elena Zuriaga Agustí
Elena has a PhD in Engineering and Industrial Production. She is a Chemical Engineer and has a Master’s Degree in Environmental and Industrial Safety, both from Universitat Politècnica de València. She is R&D technician in FACSA, among her activities she is in charge of the coordination of the European Projects REMEB and LIFE STO3RE.
Ana Bengochea Escribano
Ana is an agronomist from the Universitat Politècnica de València, with a Master’s Degree in occupational risk prevention. Since 2013 she has been working in the R&D department of FACSA, performing the administrative and financial management tasks of European, National and Regional projects.
Javier Climent
Javier is a Chemical Engineer with a Master’s in Energy efficiency and Sustainability from Jaume I University (UJI). At present, he is a R&D technician in FACSA Water Company. He is a final year PhD Student in modelling WWT processes using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).