The IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute is an independent research body that has developed solutions to environmental problems since 1966 for government business customers. IVL works with applied research and commissions for an ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable growth within the business world and society at large. IVL aims to facilitate the transition to a sustainable society by transforming science into reality, environmental problems into opportunities and linear processes into a circular economy.
Valhallavägen 81, 114 27 Stockholm, Sweden
tel: +46 (0)10 -788 65 00 (vxl) fax: +46 (0)10 – 788 65 90
Steve Harris
Steve has a PhD in industrial ecology and has 17 years’ experience working in sustainability, circular economy and life cycle assessments, as a research leader, consultant and advisor.
Karin Sanne
Karin is head of group for life cycle assessment (LCA) and environmental management, long time experience in LCA methodology and value chain implementation in business strategies. LCA experience from salt and chloralkali business.
Ann-Christin Pålsson
Ann-Christin is Senior Project Manager, has a PhD in Environmental Science and 20 years’ experience in development of value chain sustainability management and integration of sustainability aspects into business decisions.
Uwe Fortkamp
Uwe is head of group for environmental technology and sustainable production, long time experience in development and assessment of new technologies in industrial process water treatment, appointed expert in Water Area for the EU ETV Pilot Programme.